Three B Zine Podcast! Episode 63 – NOT Quiet on the Western Front

Don’t miss Episode 63 where we inevitably discuss the latest breaking news that shook the craft beer world. We discuss in depth two huge stories that hit the world of beer and touch upon a local story and share our thoughts and opinions on each. Plus hear about new beers we have tried including our thoughts, burger talk and more including Dustin’s “Words of Wisdom.” Check it out!

Don’t miss episode 63 where we touch on the top stories that shook the craft beer world recently. We discuss the stories in depth with our thoughts and opinions what has come leading to this point and we give thoughts, hopes and what we see coming in the future as well as the possible effects it could have on our local craft beer culture. Hear all about the Lagunitas sale, Saint Archer sale and why we as craft beer fans even care about these issues and we also discuss local news regarding one of the San Diego craft beer pioneers. All this plus hear about new beers we have tried and our thoughts on them and hear us gush over a couple of our favorite places that serve not only some of our favorite beers but also some of our favorite local food. We discuss craft beer in cans, we talk burgers and brats and hear some of Dustin’s “Words of Wisdom” from afar. All of this plus TONS more while we discuss some controversial and big news in the world of craft beer.


Opening Track – “Conversations” by Brothers Weiss. From their EP Conversations available now!

Now available on iTunes!!!! Click here to subscribe, download or stream! (PLEASE RATE US!).

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Necessary Links for Episode 63

Let’s Go Clandestino Anniversary Party! (Tickets and Information!)

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