After battling illness for a few weeks, the BNiSD Crew is back to drink beers and have some fun. Join us, wont you?
After a few weeks of illness BNiSD is back. Tune in as the crew joins forces to sample some killer new canned offerings from San Diego and from afar. Also, while sampling some of their beers, get an inside look at the brand new Artifex in Oceanside and hear about the Garden at Deft Brewing in Bay Park. Also, we break down some news stories from around the world of beer – Some good, some bad – and tune in as we discuss how far you would walk for a free pint of an exclusive beer? All this plus much more including would people listen to solo shows, a bird shows up, Noah breaks down baseball, we discuss a mom hosted podcast, Cody gives an update on his Airplane streak and tons more wild and crazy fun. Tune in for a great time with your pals at Beer Night in San Diego.
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